5 Reasons To Include Superfoods In Your Daily Routine
The term Superfood(SF) is primarily used for marketing purposes to describe a certain group of foods that are nutritionally dense. This means that SF’s are packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, fibre and/or phytochemicals that are great to promote long-term health.
Among the reasons to consume SF’s on a daily basis we can find that:
1. Incorporating SF’s in your diet will help you protect your body and maintain wellbeing.

2. SF’s have a lot of benefits such as: cancer prevention, control of diabetes type 2, support immune function, promote heart health and weight control, among others.

3. Including SF’s will help you meet your dietary recommendations for essential vitamins and minerals.

4. Many SF’s have a low glycemic index (GI), slow absorption of carbohydrates in the bloodstream, which will help you decrease your sweet cravings and feel satisfied longer.

5. Several SF’s have high fibre content. Fibre with the right amount of water intake helps to lower your cholesterol levels and to make your bowel movements more regular, fighting constipation.

Acai berries, apples, avocados, beans, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, garlic, kale, kiwi, mackerel, nuts, olive oil, pomegranate, seeds, squash, sweet potatoes, raspberries, salmon, sardines and whole grains, are some examples of SF’s.

When it comes to re-stocking your pantry with SF’s, try to buy organic as much as you can and on their natural form, if not they will defeat the purpose. Nice weather is coming up soon, so I am sure that you’ll have fresh produce from your local Farmer’s Market.
What a perfect way to be healthy and support local farming!
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