Detoxifying Plants for Your Home
Houseplants are known to be excellent toxin fighters. According to a 2-year study conducted by NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, indoor plants make a significant chemical reduction, due to the roots and their microorganisms that work as a removal pathway for organic chemicals.
Investing in some of them might be a good idea considering that most of the air pollutants that we inhale come from inside our homes through solvents in household cleaners, paint, scented candles, air fresheners, dust, moulds, pet dander, furnaces, smoke, etcetera.
These air pollutants can cause some reactions in our body like itchy eyes, lethargy, brain fog, skin problems, allergies, and cancer among others.
By placing some of the following plants around the living areas in your home, you will purify the air you and your family breathe:
Boston Fern: great to expel mould and indoor toxins.
English Ivy: great to get rid of airborne mould and formaldehyde1. May help reduce allergens significantly. Great option if you own a gas stove.
Gerbera Daisy: The potted Gerbera Daisy filters benzene2, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene (TCE)3.
Spider Plant: This white and green striped leafed plant is great to purify the air from benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide4 and xylene5.
Weeping Fig: Filters benzene, formaldehyde, TCE, toluene and xylene.
If you don’t have a green thumb, the following plants are perfect for you since they are very easy to take care of:
Aloe Vera Plant: Filters chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde. If your home reaches a high accumulation of toxins, this plant will develop brown spots on its leaves as a warning sign.
Peace Lily: natural air purifier. Filters benzene, formaldehyde, TCE and xylene.
Snake Plant: Filters benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, trichloroethylene and xylene.
Simple and easy! Purify your living areas while decorating your spaces with these lovely plants.
NOTE: Keep your plants away from your kids and pets, since some of them might be poisonous if ingested.
Formaldehyde: found in room deodorizers, foam insulation, pressed wood products, plastic grocery bags, wax paper, paper towel, natural gas, synthetic carpets... just to name a few.
Benzene: found in laundry detergents, tobacco smoke, synthetic fibres, paint, rubber, dyes, gasoline, etc.
Trichloroethylene (TCE): found in adhesives, rug cleaners, paint removers, spot removers, etc.
Carbon monoxide: furnaces or boilers, gas stoves and ovens, fireplaces, wood stoves, tobacco smoke, etc.
Xylene: it is used as solvent. It's also found in cleaning products, synthetic fibres, plastics, etc.