Summer Grocery Shopping List
Have you ever found yourself wondering around the grocery store thinking on what to buy for the rest of the week?
I'm sure you have. And I bet sometimes is harder than you would’ve ever thought. That’s why I prepared a Summer Grocery Shopping List based on clean eating that will make your life much easier:
* When you buy animal products, lean more towards the organic and grass fed.
** Limit your consumption of red meat to 1 or 2 times a week max.
*** To download this list click here.
Quick grocery shopping tips
Most grocery stores have loyalty programs. I suggest you join them and download the app in your phone, since it tracks the products you frequently buy and send you coupons and sales based on what you shop.
Stay away from products with more than 1 ingredient that you can’t pronounce.
The fruits and veggies listed above are in season right now. You can find most of them in any local farmers market located around you.
I hope this is helpful to you next time you’re at the grocery store.
Happy shopping!